PhonePe Customer Care Number : Call now to resolve issue

Phonepe customer care number

Phonepe customer care number to call is 080-68727374 / 022-68727374. PhonePe have Grievance Policy to address any issue, or problem. Before calling first understand what grievance policy is about and how to step by step choose right option for any issue.

Method 1

Carefully check all FAQs and help pages, you may find solution you are looking for before calling phonepe customer care number. In the scenario is not available or rare and, you have already checked all information and your concern remains unresolved or not resolved upto satisfaction, go to method 2.

Method 2

Level 1 Complaint:

  1. Complaints Registration:
    • First register a complaint with PhonePe Customer Support by clicking on the (?) icon on home page of the PhonePe.
  2. Resolution of Complaints:
    • Customer care typically reply within 24 hours of receiving the complaint.
    • It solves the complaints or queries within 3 business days if delayed.
    • In the scenarios, where the resolution of the complaint is instant, it might take time for it to get reflected in the system. For example, refund approval can be instant, but it might take 3-10 days to reflect money into the account.
    • Complaints related to ‘fraud and risk assessment’ takes longer time to investigate due to the involvement of multiple agencies. Resolution time in such scenarios is dependent on the severity and complexity of the case.
    • If the user is not satisfied then user can escalate the case to Level 2.

Level 2 Complaint:

  1. Complaints Registration:
  • You can choose any of the following way to escalate your complaint. Register a complaint on or call phonepe customer care number on 080-68727374 / 022-68727374.

2. Resolution of Complaints :

It will give first response within 24 hours of receiving the complaint and will resolve it within 3 business days. If you complaint is not resolved, you can take it to level 3.

Level 3 Complaint:

1. Complaints Registration :

You can reach out to the Grievance desk if your case is not resolved at the previous levels within

  • 30 days for issues concerning payments through non-PhonePe QRs
  • 10 days for issues concerning any other kind of transaction

In accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules made there under, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer is provided below:
Principal Nodal Officer – Mrs. Sinu Sudhakar
Nodal Officer – Mr. Sinchan Kumar Saha
Phone Number: 080-68727374 / 022-68727374
Working hours: Mon-Fri 10 am to 7 pm

2. Resolution of Complaints :

They will provide first response within 24 hours of receiving the complaint. They will resolve all Level 3 complaints within 7 business days.

Level 4

If your issue or complaint still not satisfactorily resolved at previous levels within 30 days, you can reach out to the digital ombudsman.

Complaint lodging portal of the Ombudsman:
Toll-Free Phone No: 14448

For more guide go to simple guide section.

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