How to cancel canva subscription with new update 2024

To cancel canva subscription

To cancel canva subscription follow these steps:

**Cancellation take effect only after current billing period until then you have access to all paid features.

For Computer:

  1. Open canva app in PC.
  2. Login into the account in which you have an active subscription.
  3. On the home page click on settings icon present in upper right corner.
  4. Now find Billings and plans in Personal section in left side and click on it.
  5. Go to your plan and click on (more Actions).
  6. Now click on delete icon to request cancellation.

To cancel canva subscription in Mobile:

  1. Open canva app in mobile.
  2. Login into the account in which you have an active subscription.
  3. On the home page click on menu icon present in upper left corner.
  4. Click on the settings icon .
  5. Now find Subscription in Personal section and click on it.
  6. Tap canva and cancel subscription.
  7. Now confirm to cancel.

For iOS app:

  1. On the device open the Settings app.
  2. Click on your name.
  3. Tap on Subscriptions and if you didn’t find it then click on iTunes and App Store.
  4. Click on Apple ID, the view Apple ID.
  5. Sign in.
  6. Scroll down to the Subscriptions then click on it.
  7. Click on canva and cancel subsrciption.

For Mobile Web:

  1. Open canva website.
  2. Login into the account in which you have an active subscription.
  3. On the home page click on menu icon present in upper corner.
  4. Now find Billings and plans in Personal section and click on it.
  5. Go to your plan and click on (more Actions).
  6. Now click on delete icon to request cancellation.

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